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Microsoft Word Logo

Word processing software for document generation & sharing.


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Microsoft Word Reviews - Page 2

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Elizabeth K.

Higher Education, 201-500 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend8/10

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There's a reason this one survived

Reviewed 3 months ago

I've used (and taught people to use) word processing programs for more than 30 years (anyone remember Word 6?), and produced everything from web pages to book-length documents using it. Over the years it has become a reliable and multi-featured product, but the "look and feel" are stable.


While there are still good and popular options out there (Sheets and Google Docs), for education purposes Word is the standard: it's compatible with LMS systems, stable, has lots of features, and is convertable between applications and formats.


Maybe a few too many features? I'm not a fan of its aggressive automation either, although I do still appreciate spell check. The real concern is cost, which is helping shift education systems to Google options.


Michaela F.

Insurance, 1-10 employees

Used daily for 6-12 months

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Reviewed 5 months ago

Depuis des années, Microsoft Word reste l'outil de référence pour la création de documents professionnels, et ce n'est pas sans raison. En tant qu'utilisateur régulier de Word, je suis continuellement impressionné par sa polyvalence et sa facilité d'utilisation. Tout d'abord, la simplicité de l'interface de Word en fait un choix évident pour quiconque souhaite créer des documents rapidement et efficacement....


Simple d'usage et accessible à tous, Word est l'un de nos outils principales


Je n'ai pour le moment pas trouvé d'inconvénient à ce logiciel

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Information Technology and Services, 201-500 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend7/10

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Un logiciel de traitement de texte incontournable pour la bureautique

Reviewed 9 months ago

Étant utilisateur depuis plusieurs années, j'ai jonglé entre la version 2007 et celle de Microsoft Office 365. Je suis satisfait par la suite bureautique qui permet d'élaborer des documents de différents formats. Beaucoup d'options sont présentes. Je n'utilise pas toutes les fonctionnalités. Petit plus dans la version Office 365, c'est automatiquement mis à jour. Je suis globalement satisfait par Word.


La possibilité de faire du traitement de texte avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités : - les polices, les marges, la possibilité de créer des tableaux, d'insérer des images, l'intégration avec les autres outils du pack bureautique...


Quelques bugs de temps en temps. Des mises à jour qui modifient l'interface. Il est parfois difficile de retrouver ses repères d'une version à l'autre.

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Evelyn V.

Primary/Secondary Education, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend9/10

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Word a tool for everyone

Reviewed a year ago

Word has allowed me to make important files during my academic studies, it is very easy to use, it has a series of tools that improve the presentation of the document, it also helps us to ensure that our tasks do not have spelling errors.


One of the advantages of word is that it has many tools that allow users to create creative files and with an excellent presentation, you can develop several research papers quickly and the best thing is that it has an autocorrector that allows you to know if a word is well written and avoid misspellings.


The cost of word is very high compared to other applications that offer the same for free, in addition to this for some people it can be very difficult to understand how to use word so they prefer other applications with a much simpler handling.


Mattia N.

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering, 10,001+ employees

Used weekly for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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MIcrosoft Word e la sua strategia vincente

Reviewed a year ago

Utilizzo Microsoft Word da anni principalmente in ambito scolastico. In quanto studente di ingegneria aereospaziale, il software è stato impiegato insieme ad altri programmi facenti parti dello stesso pachetto per la creazione di documenti universitari, serviti per la comprensione facilitata degli argomenti di studio ma anche per la creazione di lavoro universitario con valutazione e per la raccolta di importanti dati detiti allo studio ingegneristico. Consiglio a chiunque di usarlo, facilità di molto il lavoro.


Facile, veloce, intuitivo, versatile e chi più ne ha più ne metta, chi non conosce una delle migliori alternative presenti nel mercato per la creazione di documenti. Microsoft Word ormai ci accompagna da anni con la sua facilità di utilizzo ma anche la sua complessità se lo si conosce nella vastissima personalizzazione dei più svariati documenti che può creare questo software. Adatto per piccole e grandi attività, ma soprattutto per la creazione di documenti scolastici di cui io ho personalmente usufruito. Insomma, dalla vastita della personalizzazione dei caratteri, alle tabelle, al layout e grazie alla intuibilità di utilizzo, Microsoft ha creato uno strumento per tutti e che ad oggi non se ne può più fare a meno.


Veramente pochi gli aspetti negativi di questo programma, ma sono per lo più derivanti dalla vastità delle personalizzazioni, e dalla ignorata conoscenza di tutte queste per chi le utilizza che può perdere diverso tempo a trovare ciò che cerca, tuttavia ci si può aiutare tramite la barra di ricerca degli strumenti di Microsoft Word che è in buona parte dei casi in grado di aiutarti, ma sporadicamente no e quindi può risultare un pò noioso e dispersivo del tempo che ognuno di noi ha a disposizione. Problema tuttavia opinabile dopo l'attenta esplorazione manuale dei vari strumenti e la trovata soluzione cercata. L'ultimo problema che ho riscontrato è la disconnessione casuale e ripetitiva dell'account universitario associato, ma avversita ovviamente facilmente superabile.

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Karla Brigitte C.

Pharmaceuticals, 1,001-5,000 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Unleashing Creativity and Productivity with Microsoft Word

Reviewed a year ago

Microsoft Word was a key component of our everyday operations while I was an intern in the university's pharmaceutical product development and research department. For writing research papers, producing scientific reports, and putting together presentations, we used it a lot. We were able to create documents with professional-looking layout and editing, effortlessly integrating tables, figures, and...


There are many benefits to using Microsoft Word. First off, it offers a complete collection of capabilities for producing, formatting, and editing documents, making it the preferred word processing program for private users, companies, and academic institutions. Users can navigate and operate effectively because to the user interface's intuitive design and well-known functionality. With the many formatting...


Despite all of its benefits, Microsoft Word has certain drawbacks. First off, the program is not free; it must be purchased separately or as part of the Microsoft Office package. Additionally, new users may find the vast array of functions and settings daunting and may need some time and training to fully operate the software. Opening documents written in other word processing programs occasionally results in formatting issues that may need to be manually corrected. Additionally, working with huge documents or intricate layouts may have an impact on the software's speed, resulting in sporadic latency or slowdowns.


hajji a.

Health, Wellness and Fitness, 201-500 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend9/10

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Un programme démontré et solide avec une utilité incroyable

Reviewed a year ago

Je suis impliqué dans Microsoft Word dans des emplois sans fin depuis plus de vingt ans et j'ai toujours été satisfait de l'expérience qu'il donne. Naturel pour les fledglings, cependant, avec un peu d'extrait de creuser et d'étudier, le programme offre des tas de capacités utiles de haut niveau.


Microsoft Word est exceptionnellement instinctif à utiliser et en supposant que vous devriez vous battre avec n'importe quelle partie de son utilisation, la capacité d'assistance est étendue et simple à utiliser. L'immense gamme de formats accessibles et les contrôles d'orthographe / syntaxe minutieux impliquent que n'importe qui peut fournir des rapports à la recherche compétente. Mail blend est exceptionnellement simple à utiliser et extrêmement précieux pour les correspondances à grande échelle. Les mises à jour consécutives impliquent que les capacités et l'expérience client vont constamment au niveau suivant.


Microsoft Office est très coûteux, mais vous obtenez vraiment une grande incitation pour de l'argent. Le point de connexion est un morceau daté - mais dans le cas où il n'est pas dépourvu, pourquoi le réparer?

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Aditi P.

Outsourcing/Offshoring, 10,001+ employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Fantastic software with comprehensive functionality and a range of tools for handling documents

Reviewed a year ago

Microsoft Word is a full-featured program that sets the industry standard. The combination between Word and Viewpoint is consistent. I will recommend this program since it is a well-designed computer program for clients of all expertise levels. I can send emails to clients more rapidly. In spite of its imperfections, Word remains my go-to computer program for composing compelling and engaging fabric. Microsoft Word offline editing spares my day, particularly when there's no web association. 


Microsoft Word incorporates plenty of organizing choices that permit you to tailor your archives to your inclinations. Since of the expansive number of formats available, as well as the broad spelling and linguistic checks, anyone can make professional-looking papers. The page format, character designing, and passage designing apparatuses are very advantageous and empower the fast development of proficient and clear writing. It is basic to collaborate among a few people working on the same papers much obliged to the interaction with Microsoft Cloud 365. Microsoft Word permits clients to deliver archives quickly and effectively and keep them in one area. 


I accept that working with words and visuals may offer assistance me superior. It may, be that as it may, be overwhelming at times due to the number of choices accessible. There are still issues with participation since as it were one editor may alter the archive at a time. I completely miss being able to tailor the organizing down to the character level. 


Verified reviewer

Research, 11-50 employees

Used weekly for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend2/10

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Een zeer dramatisch programma in stand gehouden door zijn eigen monopolie

Reviewed a year ago

0 voordelen ervaren, de enige reden dat dit programma nog gebruikt word is omdat ze eind vorige eeuw een monopolie hebben opgebouwd en deze nogsteeds uitbuiten


Als je hele lage eisen stelt en niet meer wilt doen dan het opstellen van een standaard brief met 0 opmaak is het opzich goed te doen.


Nou hier zijn we dan:- Dramatische optimalisatie: begint je document voorbij de 5 pagina's te komen met ook maar enige vorm van opmaak? gefeliciteerd dan kan je een RT3060 met I9 aanschaffen om het programma nog enigsinds draaiende te houden. en mocht je er 1 willen openen? haal in de tussentijd gerust een koffie, maak een ommentje, breng de kinderen naar school, haal ze weer op, maak wat avondeten,...

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Francesca F.

Printing, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Per una scrittrice di libri microsoft word è tutto!

Reviewed a year ago

Word è arrivato come primo approccio quando io, ragazza ormai ventenne, riempivo diari su diari colle mie storie di vita. In quel periodo è letteralmente sopraggiunto, nella mia vita, Microsoft Word. Che posso dire, se non che il suo ingresso me l'ha cambiata. Ho dovuto inizialmente abituarmi a scrivere al computer e non più su carta, o almeno relativamente poco, però è stato bellissimo vedere i primi...


La possibilità di scrivere, poichè io sono una scrittrice che ha vinto la pubblicazione di 7 libri, e senza word sarei letteralmente persa. Prima di conoscere word, al mio promo approccio al pc da ventenne, scrivevo qualcosa sul blocco note digitale, ma erano due parole. Poi ho scoperto Microsoft Word e mi si è aperto un mondo, letteralmente. i miei libri abbozzati sui taccuini, sono stati trasferiti sul pc. I miei appunti di poesie scritte dopo un lutto, dal titolo "Le conseguenze della morte", trasferite al pc grazie al famosissimo word, hanno partecipato ad un concorso letterario ed hanno vinto la pubblicazione in un libro cartaceo. Ed è stata solo la prima vittoria di una lunga serie. Grazie a Microsoft Word il mio sogno di scrivere nel secolo 2000, si è realizzato!


Nulla, lo trovo un format utilissimo. A volte ho dei dubbi su come contare i caratteri, o inserire l'interlinea singola piuttosto che la doppia, e allora faccio una veloce ricerca e trovo nella tendina fornita da microsoft, tutto l'occorrente per risolvere ogni mio problema.

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Bram T.

Computer Software, 1-10 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend7/10

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Word voor het maken van softwaredocumentatie

Reviewed a year ago

Word heeft mij laten zien, hoe je in korte tijd een heel mooi en zakelijk document kan neerzetten. Daarnaast is het vertrouwd bij mij en vele anderen.


Erg breedt ondersteund, aangezien 90% van de mensen om je heen word geïnstalleerd hebben. Daarnaast makkelijk te combineren met een microsoft365 account wat aansluit bij ons en veel andere organisaties. Hierdoor is het betaalbaar en goedwerkend.


Veel documentformatten die niet van word zelf zijn, worden slecht ondersteund. Daarnaast werkt de koppeling tussen online samen werken en lokaal een document maken erg slecht. Online heb je aanzienlijk minder opties en wat je offline maakt gaat niet altijd goed online. Word vooral gebruiken als je met niet veel mensen tegelijk moet werken.

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Bilale Dine A.

Architecture & Planning, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Microsoft Word : Un logiciel de traitement de texte polyvalent et pratique.

Reviewed a year ago

Microsoft Word est un logiciel de traitement de texte très complet et pratique. Parmi ses nombreux avantages, j'ai particulièrement apprécié sa facilité d'utilisation et sa flexibilité. Il offre une grande variété de fonctionnalités pour créer des documents professionnels, ainsi que des modèles personnalisables pour gagner du temps. Le correcteur orthographique et grammatical intégré est très utile pour éviter les erreurs de frappe et de grammaire. De plus, la synchronisation avec OneDrive permet de travailler sur les documents de manière collaborative, avec un accès facile et une sauvegarde automatique. Enfin, la compatibilité avec différents formats de fichiers facilite la collaboration avec des personnes utilisant d'autres logiciels.


Dans l'ensemble, Microsoft Word est un logiciel de traitement de texte très complet et pratique, mais il a tout de même quelques inconvénients. Parmi ceux-ci, j'ai trouvé que le logiciel pouvait parfois être lent, en particulier lors de l'ouverture de documents volumineux. De plus, bien que le correcteur orthographique et grammatical soit très utile, il n'est pas parfait et peut parfois laisser passer des erreurs. Enfin, l'interface utilisateur peut sembler surchargée et compliquée pour les utilisateurs novices, ce qui peut être un obstacle à l'adoption du logiciel.

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Turan A.

Automotive, 501-1,000 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Dominate words with MS Word

Reviewed 2 years ago

Office software that we distribute with MS 365 can be installed with a simple and easy distribution. You can install it locally with a disk, or you can download and use it from an online browser in minutes. It has a simple and straightforward management. You can support all users from a single point. Thanks to its customizable structure, it can be arranged according to the user level. It can support all old versions and file types of different programs.


MS Word is by far the leading software in the text processing software it serves. Equipped with incomparable integration, simplicity, flexibility and special tools. From the first version to the current version, it has maintained a principle of simplicity, simplicity and user-friendliness. While realizing all these, he did not neglect professionalism and development. It made all processes manageable,...


You will not find a missing feature in this program. If MS Word does not have a feature, it does not exist in any other program.


Geraldo Gana A.

Telecommunications, 1-10 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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"Microsoft Word Review: A Powerful Tool for Creating and Managing Documents"

Reviewed 2 years ago

My overall experience with Microsoft Word is generally positive. I consider this Software to be a reliable and efficient tool for creating and editing my documents.I solve many business problems with Microsoft Word, including collaborating in real time with colleagues, creating professional and well-formatted documents, and being able to work with documents on different devices. In addition, Microsoft...


As for the most important resources of Microsoft Word vary according to my specific needs. I value features like: advanced editing tools, real-time collaboration or offline availability more.As for ease of use, Microsoft Word I generally considered easy to use. It has an intuitive interface and clearly marked tools that make it easy for me to create and edit documents. However, the complexity of some...


I have different opinions about my least favorite thing about Microsoft Word. I think some features are lacking or could be improved, like the lack of advanced design features or the need for more advanced image editing tools. I also find that some aspects of the product are difficult to use, such as the need to manually transfer information between different programs or the lack of automation features.


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Information Technology and Services, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Un logiciel de traitement de texte robuste et populaire

Reviewed 2 years ago

Voici ce que j'ai particulièrement apprécié dans Microsoft Word :Microsoft Word est un logiciel largement utilisé, ce qui en fait un choix logique pour moi qui travaille avec des logiciels Microsoft Office.Personnalisation : Microsoft Word offre de nombreuses options de mise en forme et de mise en page qui aider à créer des documents professionnels.Microsoft Word est largement compatible avec d'autres...


voici ce que j'ai le moins apprécié dans Microsoft Word :Coût : je considérer que Microsoft Word est réservé par rapport à d'autres options de traitement de texte sur le marché.je pense aussi que certains utilisateurs pourraient trouver que certaines fonctionnalités plus avancées peuvent être complexes à utiliser sans formation préalable.On doivent parfois s'adapter aux mises à jour du logiciel pour...

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Higher Education, 10,001+ employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend4/10

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Word, per chi ha tempo

Reviewed 2 years ago

Molto spesso inizio utilizzando Word poi mi "trasferisco" su altri prodotti un po' meno zeppi di scelte e più semplici per ciò che mediamente si deve utilizzare un editor testuale che abbia possibilità di formattazione appena un po' più complesse. Molto più scorrevoli nella produzione di testi mi sembrano LibreOffice, Brave, Notepad++


È un software talmente "pieno" di funzionalità che lascia sbalorditi. L'interfaccia è accattivante, il prodotto è frutto di un'esperienza decennale. È il software di riferimento non solo per la videoscrittura ma anche per la realizzazione di documenti più complessi.


Quando si dice "troppo"... Ha talmente tante funzioni che talvolta lasciano l'utente un po' sgomento. È esattamente il contrario di un "semplice" editor di testo, non ha quasi nulla di semplice, non è assolutamente un editor del tipo "apri e scrivi". Sono certissimo, per esperienza personale vissuta a scuola, che chi lo utilizza sfrutta una percentuale minima delle possibilità offerte da Microsoft. Troppo, dovrebbe essere commercializzata in parallelo una versione molto più economica, soprattutto gratuita, che abbia nell'essenzialità i suoi punti di forza.

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Higher Education, 501-1,000 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend8/10

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Il software per file di testo più famoso, e c'è un perchè

Reviewed 2 years ago

Complessivamente Microsoft Word risulta perfetto per la produzione di un'ampia varietà di documenti di testo, sia in ambito professionale che personale. Personalmente lo utilizzo per la produzione di tutti quei documenti di lunghezza medio-breve in cui non risulta necessaria una impaginazione particolare o una accurata automatizzazione di alcune funzionalità (come ad esempio una tesi).


Microsoft Word è un programma di facilissima comprensione ed equipaggiata con quasi tutte le funzionalità necessarie in un software per produrre documenti di testo.Permette una elevata personalizzazione dell'output, a partire dal font utilizzato passando ai margini o alla numerazione delle pagine.Inoltre, è usato e conosciuto da chiunque e ciò lo rende uno strumento universale e versatile in quasi...


Uno degli aspetti più critici di Word è a mio parere la gestione di documenti con una impaginazione accurata e complessa. Spesso, spostando un'immagine si rischia di modificare la posizione di molti paragrafi.Anche la produzione di tabelle andrebbe migliorata e resa più gestibile e personalizzabile.

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Simón Jesús C.

Environmental Services, 501-1,000 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Devolución del uso Promedio para estudiante Universitario

Reviewed 2 years ago

La manipulación de toda la información final se realiza mediante el software en cuestión; esto consta tanto en el desarrollo de metodologías de trabajo, normativas, comunicados entre pares, entrega de informes finales o manuales de protocoles, por lo que puedo afirmar con toda seguridad que es uno de los softwares que más utilizo a diario y con los que más problemáticas he resuelto en el menor tiempo posible gracias a, como mencioné anteriormente, su interfaz amigable en cuanto a tareas simples. Si bien he trabajado con otros softwares de procesamiento de texto por diversas razones, me decanto por este por lo mencionado, además de la innegable corriente que tuvo mi formación académica, aunque no sesga mi preferencia por el mismo.


En primera instancia, la interfaz del software se muestra muy intuitiva para las opciones básicas, así como el menú en donde poder indagar sobre las funcionalidades no tan clásicas, así como la personalización del texto, ya sea mediante gráficas o imágenes.Si bien presenta algunos inconvenientes con algunos extractos al pegar texto (en mi experiencia), los casos han sido puntuales, por lo que diría que es muy versátil en cuanto a su compatibilidad, así como con otros softwares de edición de texto de similares características, incluyendo el detalle no menor del mismo caso con softwares en otros sistemas operativos.


Aspectos que considero no tan "específicos", como por ejemplo la correcta configuración de los márgenes de impresión, así como la asignación de los espacios al ubicar un objeto en el documento, no son tan intuitivos para un usuario que comienza a relacionarse con este, al menos basándome en lo que recuerdo de mis primeras experiencias como estudiante. Considero que el área de configuración para la impresión cuenta con oportunidad de mejora en cuanto a un desarrollo más intuitivo en cuanto a la manipulación de los objetos en función de la posición en el papel ya que no siempre un simple desplazamiento de márgenes satisface el requerimiento.

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Fray Agustin G.

Civic & Social Organization, 1-10 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Poderoso procesador de texto

Reviewed 2 years ago

Desde hace más de 20 años viene siendo un excelente compañero para mis trabajos escolares y de oficina.


Es el procesador de textos más conocido de todos, y cuenta con muchas herramientas sumamente útiles. La función que más utilizo es la de gestión de referencias bibliográficas.


La característica más complicada o problemática de MS Word, es que trae ciertas configuraciones predeterminadas en el formato del texto, y hay que modificarlo cada vez que le utilizas.

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Enrique G.

Design, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Microsoft Word, el editor de textos por excelencia

Reviewed 2 years ago

Herramienta que empecé a usar en el entrono profesional y que trasladé a mi espacio de trabajo personal. Experiencia muy positiva por la facilidad de uso y la multitud de utilidades que tiene. Mucha comunidad de ayuda y un excelente soporte


La facilidad de uso y que la curva de aprendizaje es corta e intuitiva, con un servicio de ayuda realmente brillante


Para hacer ediciones profesionales, quizás se queda corto. Para eso suso Adobe InDesign.Pero para el 95 % de mi tiempo de uso es más que suficiente

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Information Technology and Services, 501-1,000 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend8/10

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Decent software for managing documents with an ease

Reviewed 2 years ago

Microsoft Word is my to-do software for creating documents and other promotional materials like flyers, brochures, newsletters, etc. The customizable templates provided by Microsoft Word are of great help especially when I am out of ideas. I absolutely adore the number of features and fonts it has. The offline editing of Microsoft Word helps save my day especially when no internet is available.


Microsoft Word is undoubtedly the best software for creating and managing documents with ease. It comes with a number of different customizable templates that can help a user create birthday party invitations, bookmarks, traditional newspapers, and newsletters in a jiffy. Microsoft Word lets a user create documents quickly without any hassle, store them in one place, collaborate with others, and edit them offline.


I love using Microsoft Word for creating newsletters, reports, etc very conveniently. It can however be overwhelming at times because of the features present in it. Plus there is always a fear of losing data unless you save it. But overall it is great software for the purpose of document management.


Catherine O.

Nonprofit Organization Management, 11-50 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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A proven, reliable programme with excellent functionality

Reviewed 2 years ago

I've used Microsoft Word in countless roles for over two decades and have always been pleased with the experience it provides. Intuitive for beginners but with a bit of extra delving and study, the programme offers lots of useful advanced functions.


Microsoft Word is very intuitive to use and if you should struggle with any aspect of it use, the help function is comprehensive and easy to use. The huge range of templates available and the thorough spelling/grammar checks mean that anyone can produce professional looking documents. Mail merge is very easy to use and very useful for large scale communications. Frequent updates mean that functions and user experience are continually improving.


Microsoft office is quite expensive, yet you do get good value for money. The interface is a bit dated - but if it ain't broke, why fix it?


Kira D.

Automotive, 1-10 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Likelihood to recommend9/10

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Preferred product

Reviewed 2 years ago

MS word has helped us produce professional documents that are organized and clear. It has helped us with organizing and record keeping. Overall it helps us convey to others that we are a serious and professional business.


This is my preferred product. It has advanced features and can keep up with our growing needs, especially when integrated with other Microsoft products (which are all great). Microsoft word has so many available features and options. I've yet to need something that Word did not offer. It has been around for a long time. I'm very familiar with it, infact I've been using it since elementary school.


Price... There are so many great products that integrate with MS word, however all of them can be expensive. Word isn't really complete without these other products. For example you need a place to store the documents you create with Word. You'll then need to pay for one drive. If you want to make a presentation using these documents or files you've stored, you'll need to pay for PowerPoint.. I also wish that the offline accessibility was better.


Augustine O.

Computer Software, self-employed

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Why you should use Word daily

Reviewed 2 years ago

There hasn't been a single day in the last decade when I haven't used a Word document to create streamlined files and fantastic reporting. Word is a very powerful software that is used as the primary software programme by all organisations, schools, students, church groups, financial institutions, and individuals; for this, you also invited to take advantage of this great digital tool and equally learn to keep up with this age. Word has been simple and effective, especially for clerical officials, educational and research firms, and students who use Word to complete their daily tasks and provide great job productivity.


Word is a great document management software of the Microsoft collections, easy to manipulate through to give your best file an attractive read. With its endless templates that offer task-free designs for whatever document you are creating and with a program-friendly interface to easily and quickly navigate through. Adding images, arts, wonderful reference and layout tools and great add-ins makes document preparations and as well as customization simple for both novices and experts. As a consistent user, I’m greatly optimistic about the outstanding attributes of this software which allow anyone to be successful in whatever document. Word will undoubtedly appeal to you. I recommend purchasing the software and getting started with a positive file creation.


Some of the functions, in my opinion, have the potential to be more user-friendly. Incorporating a video tool could be a fantastic innovation. The weblinks are simple to insert, but if not properly specified, they result in a complete hoax. This also necessitates frequent bug fixes, as Word frequently clashes after every update. It would be nice to see the A3 print layout return in future versions. If not explicitly stated, printing these notes may result in a second page, wasting paper.


Brent K.

Marketing and Advertising, 11-50 employees

Used daily for 2+ years

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  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9/10

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Mature feature rich Word Processor that is still very relevant

Reviewed 2 years ago

- Collaboration tools shared internally & externally and integrated with Windows task bar, OneDrive (local synch of shared filestore), @mention comments to assign internal tasks - Simple to use with available powerful tools such as form fields, excellent table support, even mail merge to Outlook email - Powerful track changes & review - Send as PDF email: Simple & use it all the time (instead of saving as PDF, then sending PDF).


There is some obvious innovation that is long overdue. - Tables that can easily perform functions like Excel (the feature exists, it's just clunky to implement) - Mail merge to Outlook email is incredibly powerful & could be streamlined to be a must use feature for individualized, but "mass" emailing small groups. - Templates (.dot) files & sharing of templates within an organization needs a UX & feature revamp - Built in easy Document Signing features