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benjamin f.
Public Safety, self-employed
Used daily for 2+ years
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Word is ubiquitous. Everyone uses it, and most legal documents are set in Word.
There are core functionality aspects in Word not offered by other processors.
I would appreciate the ability to customize the ribbon and toolbox more. I have certain functions I often use in tandem and have to switch between tabs to edit one piece of text, then switch to another.
Raj K.
Mining & Metals, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It is the number one Word editing software in the world with revolutionary. With a bit of price and features jugglery, it can improve its share in the market.
1. MS Word is the first option that comes to mind and is synonymous with "Document." From the old days of the MS-DOS operating system with WordStar, MS-Word has been the first choice for countless users globally. 2. There are so many features that you may discover something new every time you delve deeper to learn more. Features like Mail Merge, Macros, Smart Art, Design Templates, Tracking Changes,...
1. Of late, MS Word is getting intense competition from Google docs. Most of the available features in MS Word are for free on the Google Docs platform. But for office 365, you need to pay a hefty amount. Bundling ensures that you cannot buy only MS Word. Even if you can, it will be expensive, especially when Google gives everything free. 2. Similarly, several open-source projects offer free service...
Ernesto Alfonso O.
Nonprofit Organization Management, 11-50 employees
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Es la herramienta más importante para Oficina, Escuela, personal y Negocios que existe. Es tan Amigable, poderosa, estable y no existe otra igual.
Es el mejor software que existe para procesador de textos, todas sus elegantes plantillas son asombrosas, fuentes limpias y elegantes, capacidad de trabajo en colaboración, eviar directamente a email, importar PDF y exportar a PDF, creación de sitios web y edición de html, esquemas y manejo de diseño editorial ligero y potente. Es sin duda lo mejor. Y ahora con 365 la capacidad de usarlo Online es de gran utilidad.
El manejo de imagenes podría mejorar, las funciones de edición o formato de imagen son muy limitadas.
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Writing and Editing, 51-200 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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I have used the Microsoft suite for a straight 10+ years now, from my early school days to my workplace. Unless a better writing tool gets created, I will use Microsoft Word forever. The functionalities are advanced, and it has a great design template and dynamic data. I love cloud-native tools. Maybe I might be biased about how great the software is since It's practically all I have used since my teenage years(I have tried other software). The integration between word and outlook is effortless. I can send emails to clients faster. But technology is growing, and there are now free options like Google Docs that provide similar features. That might be a problem for Microsoft since it’s so expensive!
The software responds well to commands, best for reading and writing documents. Being a writer means that you typically do not have time to save every new idea every second, so having automatic save makes life so much easier for me - and unexpected load shedding doesn't affect my work. Features that are Grammarly-like, offline components ensure your work is error-free. The software can collaborate with other software like Adobe Acrobat, which is a plus if I need to submit work in pdf format. I love how the software is improving every year. There are always new features that make the use of the application easier. My favorite function is the word search tool, especially when there is a suspicion of plagiarism in my articles.
I hardly have anything horrible to say about the program, although that may be the case; there are a few things that Microsoft can do to help make it more assessable for everyone. 1. There are too many technical bugs in the converting function for people who work heavily with PDF files. 2. Not that simple to use, Microsoft can try to make the software a bit simpler. 3. The program is just overall expensive, especially now that there’s Google Docs, there is a chance people will leave Microsoft for Google Docs.
Carlos Hugo Martin C.
Information Technology and Services, 11-50 employees
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We use it a lot for the generation of software documentation as well as projects. It has helped us to manage a standard that represents us as a company before our clients.
Over time, the interface has improved a lot, making it much easier to write documents professionally. In addition to the customization capacity that it has, it helps a lot to have it as needed. A very useful functionality that it has is the generation of content such as indexes or bibliographies.
The management of space between lines or within the fields of a table is sometimes not clear, preventing one from modifying it, since you do not know what element is causing the space to be different with other lines. The checker is not as efficient when it comes to omitting terms.
Gregory C.
Translation and Localization, self-employed
Used daily for 2+ years
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Let's be honest, we all use Word because we have to. There is no real alternative, certainly not in the business world. Overall, Word is 'not bad', and it has improved somewhat over the years ('two steps forward, one step back'), but it is not exactly 'wow.' In some sense I think Word would be easier to use if it were simpler, and if some of the more complex formatting options were spun off into a Publisher-type application for DTP.
Word has an extensive range of features, tools, and options that allow you to do almost anything imaginable with documents. As a translator, it an absolutely essential tool for my work. As all my clients (and essentially everyone) also use Word and Office formats, I have no doubt that the files I send and receive can be opened, read, and edited without any problem. I would also say that over the years, Word has improved and become easier to use and more reliable (if only somewhat).
As a translator, I have two big issues with Word: 1) It does not seem to understand that one document can be in multiple languages at the same time. As such, the 'automatically detect language' feature can be counterproductive, forcing me to highlight text and set the language manually. This seems like it would be a rather easy issue to fix. A similar issue occurs when I type a document in one language...
Gábor T.
Information Technology and Services, 11-50 employees
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In Hungary, but I reckon in other nations as well, MS Word is the leader, but no the only sw. used to create a "Word" file we do not even call them "documents", "text files", that is how Word sw. became a part of our life. MS Word is on the market for nearly 40 years, one of the most widely-can-be-used sw. on the market and I believe the best text editor right now. Happy to have it, I am using Office kit from my elementary school days and will be using still in the future. There are some rival to MS Word, but it is still the leader, MS has the intention, money, manpower to make it better, but it needs to listen and hear the sound of its users to give the users what they need and want.
A lot of training materials, examples, training tasks are available, both online (videos, PDFs, descriptions) and "offline", I mean books, leaflets, notes) to get the potential out of MS Word. You can have it for free, if you are a student, can buy even genuine key for a very low price, MS "World" and some sw. are available with an MS account for free, with great functionality. Word and MS Office package...
There is an option to share a document and simultaneously edit it, this function needs polishing so as the online version and the Professional / O365 versions. Developing a program to use Word's resources may be not that easy at first, its programming language could be better. Having a password to protect you doc. is not the best, not that hard to crack it sometimes. Sometimes bugs may appear, like...
Jan K.
Food & Beverages, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Durch Microsoft Word können unzählige Projekte, in denen Text und geschriebene Sprache relevant sind, realisiert werden. Man kann Word für simples Brainstorming nutzen, aber auch wissenschaftliche Essays verfassen. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt, wodurch Word einzigartig ist.
Microsoft Word stellt jegliche Art von Textprogrammen in den Schatten und dominiert dieses Gebiet in vielerlei Hinsicht. Die vielseitigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten machen Word zum Allrounder, wenn es um das Verfassen von geschriebenem Text geht. Die umfangreiche Palette an individuellen Tools sorgt dafür, dass alle Bedürfnisse individuell gedeckt werden können und man immer mit einem zufriedenstellenden Endprodukt dasteht. Neben reinem Texteschreiben sind viele weitere Features enthalten, wie zum Beispiel Smart Arts, Diagramme und Tabellen etc. Somit kann Word noch breiter genutzt werden und hilft, Text mit Graphiken oder anderen Inhalten zu stützen. Für mich ein absolutes Must Have für jeden, vom CEO bis zum Oberstufenschüler.
Gelegentlich kann Technik, besonders wenn sie wie Word viele verschiedene Features hat, schnell frustrierend sein und einen zum Verzweifeln bringen. Manchmal hat man eine Vorstellung, wie etwas aussehen soll, schafft es aber nicht, diese technisch durch das Programm umzusetzen, da es nicht immer sofort leicht ist sich komplett mit jeglichen Features auseinanderzusetzen. Die eigenen Word Fähigkeiten zu verbessern ist eine Aufgabe fürs Leben und mit jedem Projekt lernt man etwas neues dazu. Glücklicherweise findet man mit etwas Recherche im Internet oftmals die technische Lösung, um die Features richtig zu benutzen. Man muss nur die Zeit und die Nerven haben, und das ist so ziemlich der größte Nachteil an der Software.
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Don R.
Internet, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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I am an old school user of Word and a big fan. I have taken advanced courses to learn all about the lesser known features and have implemented tools such as mailings to send letters to clients. While I am a hardened fan of Word, I also enjoyed getting the free version that came with a PC or the $10 copy that you could buy with the now defunct Home Use Program. Still I shelled out the money with my last laptop purchase to get it. But as I approach the time to buy a new laptop, I am not sure that I can't make due with Google Docs. We'll see.
I love the ease use of Microsoft Word. You can open the software begin typing and save your document. Everything else is like gravy. Truthfully it is a lot more than that but the Windows concept is used in most other software that makes Word intuitive even if you have never used it. Since I have a version saved on my laptop I often use Word to format documents using tables, inserting shapes, messing...
I have started to get used to the sharing and saving features of Google Docs and they are not as good on Word. My laptop battery does not last long and every time I unplug, my files get autosaved and I have to waste a lot of time sorting them out. As an advanced user of Microsoft Word, I can tell you the drawing and formatting capability on Word is challenging. It can be hard to move an image or chart around on the page without first creating a table or other work around. It is also impossible to use the full page without some type of margin.
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Government Administration, 1-10 employees
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In general, MS Word is my go-to for document creation when I am the only one working on a document or when I am preparing a document to give to others. It isn't my favorite for live collaboration, but I much prefer the variety of features in the desktop version compared to the features of other document creation products.
I am very familiar with MS Word in general and have used it since I was in high school. I like its ease of use and in general, it has all the features I need for creating and tracking changes to the documents I work with on a day-to-day basis.
I do not like that it is now a subscription-based service. While the cloud version is free, it is limited in space and the features are slightly different. I do not think it is worth the subscription price and much prefer the desktop version to the web version (except for the ease of access of documents when I am out of the office). Formatting, especially in regards to tables, tabs, and margins, has a tendency to get messed up every so often in the browser version.
Arts and Crafts, self-employed
Used weekly for 2+ years
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I have been organizing my business as well as my life and personal goals using Microsoft word. I had no idea I could find such useful features like grocery lists or household schedules or bill pay tables to help me organize my life and get my family running smoothly at the same time as my business. I've been a lifelong user of Microsoft word and I've only continued to enjoy my experience it's only gotten better.
The most impactful feature for me was the ability to work offline and have basically total access to my past and current projects and documents. Another vital feature to my business as well as just everyday life are all of the extra templates, themes, fonts, designs and tutorials available online that are easily and seamlessly integrated into the app. You literally click one button or link, search...
I feel like there could definitely be MORE fonts and design like features. Even with the linked online database there's a need for more design aspect especially if you're not familiar with how do you do things from scratch using Microsoft word. Otherwise there's not a whole lot I just like about word I wish it was cheaper or that the free version was as fully accessible as the paid version that can be frustrating.
Gisela W.
Real Estate, 1-10 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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I've used this software for so long, I have witnessed both the development of new challenges (working on the cloud, attaching documents to e-mail, using shared documents) and also the overcoming of old issues (working with different printers, losing formatting between versions, difficulties in converting from other software into Word). In the fast paced development sphere of word processors and publishing tools, Word can still hold its own, but is losing ground, as the printing and publishing sector changes. It is likely to be replaced on my hardware in the coming years, by app based software that delivers more quickly and can be used in conjunction with new online publishing tools.
It is comfortable. The original Microsoft Word that appeared in the 1980s took over typing pools, and was developed to allow typists to keep using their typing skills without a mouse. Many of the original "shortcuts", were key combinations which typists could pick up quite quickly. Since then, using the mouse in word processing , has taken off. Thank fully, the originally Word is still there just under the surface of the more robust modern versions.
Word performs really well in many applications, but seems to have a "memory" that eventually causes problems. I was working on a big report, which included pictures, text boxes, graphs and other presentation objects, and it was tough going to get everything to line up when I was inserting landscape pages, in a mostly portrait document, and then the whole document crashed. I lost some of my work, and...
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Internet, 501-1,000 employees
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Ease and familiarity of use and the assurance that everyone in professional circles who receives a document made on MS Word will be able to access it and edit it with the right permissions.
If the computer crashes or shuts down by mistake the files not saved as per process always get lost and the recovery options are not always suggested even in professional paid versions of MS Word.
Iwona T.
Luxury Goods & Jewelry, 11-50 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It has been my go-to word processing software for many years, providing a reliable and feature-rich environment for creating and editing documents. The user-friendly interface, extensive functionality, and integration with other Microsoft Office tools have consistently supported my productivity and professional communication needs.
There are several aspects of Microsoft Word that I particularly appreciate. Firstly, its extensive range of formatting options allows me to create professional and visually appealing documents. Secondly, the spell-check and grammar-check features help ensure accuracy and improve the overall quality of my writing. Lastly, the seamless integration with other Microsoft Office applications makes it convenient to collaborate and share documents across different platforms.
While Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing tool, there are a few aspects that could be improved. Firstly, the program can sometimes be resource-intensive and slow down on older or less powerful computers, which can be frustrating. Secondly, the complexity of some advanced features, such as mail merge or document automation, may require additional effort to master. Lastly, although the auto-save function is helpful, occasional crashes or unexpected closures can result in data loss if changes haven't been saved manually.
Marek T.
Financial Services, 11-50 employees
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My overall experience with Microsoft Word was positive. As a content creator, I found the app to be an essential tool for my work.
What I liked most about Microsoft Word was its versatility and user-friendliness. Whether I was writing a simple letter or creating a complex document, Word provided me with a range of tools and features to make the task more manageable. I also appreciated the app's ability to integrate with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel and PowerPoint.
One thing that I liked least about Microsoft Word was its occasional instability and tendency to crash, particularly when working with large documents. Additionally, the app's automatic formatting features could be frustrating at times, especially when they interfered with my desired formatting choices.
Hallsy K.
Education Management, 11-50 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Microsoft Word has assisted me in reviewing and creating documents since I could type to graduating a Master's level program in counseling. Microsoft Word has allowed me to expand on many ideas through its ease of creating and saving important documents. It's auto-recover button has saved me many times from sleepless nights of re-creating a lost document.
Microsoft Word is a creative format to create, store, and export important documents such as client notes, classwork, or materials being shared with other professional colleagues. It easily allows users to transport their documents through sharing and email capabilities. It assists students in checking over their documents before they are reviewed by professors.
I believe Microsoft Word could improve by having immediate saving such as Google Docs or easily being able to share documents with another Microsoft user with a sharing tab/button.
Ezra M.
Luxury Goods & Jewelry, 1-10 employees
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This is the complete word processing application that always works smoothly. The overall cost of the software is a little higher than i think should be asked but all in all it is well worth every penny when you save time and headache in the long run.
Microsoft Word is an all in one, easy to use, professional and feature rich word processing application that never lets me down and gets the job done quickly and beautifully.
I dont like the selection of fonts provided by microsoft. I had to download some of my own and added them manually.
Rudolph R.
Real Estate, 1-10 employees
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To use a colloquialism the it's the "OG" document writing software. I grew up on Microsoft word. It's my go to doc prep. I can't imagine writing documents in other application. I'm such a purist I don't even use the Google docs version. I would rather type it in Word offline, them upload it to Google sheets. It's the King for a reason. I've written papers, made flyers, typed letters for banks, proposals, and movie scripts. And the movie script format was correct!
It's hard to name all my favorite features. I've been using this for almost 20 years. I have used so many of it's functions it's nuts. SO many templates, like legitimately almost too many. You can also download more! It's has helped me be more productive, Spell check and grammar check got me through college. I also use the automatic editing too. It just helps you write faster. So you communicate faster. You get through life faster.
At one time I would say because I have to pay for it. After all these years I can tell you it's worth it. Hell I would pay more if I had to at this point.
Isael I.
Hospital & Health Care, 5,001-10,000 employees
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I have had a great experience since this software allows me to make, modify and create unique documents
The word processor is an excellent software, it has unique characteristics that allow us to bring to life the documents that we edit and use daily. It is a very easy to use software, thanks to the interface that it has. The work team immediately adapted to this software, since the documents are part of our day to day
It is an excellent software but better, I like certain functions that have the online version for the offline
Miguel R.
Health, Wellness and Fitness, 10,001+ employees
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Overall, the software is one of the best, if not, the best platform available in the market to create documents. It offers a wide range of tools that will save you time like for example, the templates available to use and each tool will allow to create high quality documents. It is easy to use, although, certain features require a minimum level of expertise.
I have been using Microsoft Word for about 15 years and the software itself provides tools/features to build high quality written documents, reports, resumes and many other documents that are important in a business or any organization. From my user perspective, I use Microsoft Word for research based documents and to create tables/analyses. I use it on a daily basis to build SOPs, guidelines, research...
A feature that the application can improve is the fact that most of the time, the work does not save automatically and it causes you to lose all the progress you made with the word documents. It is also very difficult to recover unsaved files or the files can't be recover at all.
Delphine L.
E-Learning, self-employed
Used daily for 2+ years
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La correction automatique de texte n'est pas plus performante que celle proposée par d'autres logiciels gratuits. Par ailleurs, on regrette une ergonomie un peu brouillonne et peu compatible avec les terminaux mobiles. Enfin, le logiciel possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités mais elles sont parfois peu accessibles aux débutants. Enfin, le coût du programme et de ses mises à jour est très élevé alors même qu'il existe des alternatives gratuites et pourvues des mêmes fonctionnalités.
Que l'on soit un utilisateur professionnel ou privé, ce programme intuitif et facile à utiliser, pourvu de nombreuses fonctionnalités pratiques, est parfait pour créer des fichiers texte de différents formats. C'est aussi un excellent outil collaboratif car il permet de modifier des documents à plusieurs. La rédaction et la mise en forme sont fluides et rapides et le logiciel est totalement intégré à la suite bureautique Microsoft 365.Par ailleurs, le correcteur orthographique de Microsoft est particulièrement performant et il est possible d’utiliser le logiciel hors-ligne, ce qui est pratique si vous ne disposez pas d'Internet mais que vous devez travailler quand même.
La correction automatique de texte n'est pas plus performante que celle d'autres logiciels gratuits. Par ailleurs, on regrette une ergonomie un peu brouillonne, peu compatible avec les terminaux mobiles. Enfin, le logiciel possède de nombreuses fonctionnalités mais elles sont parfois peu accessibles aux débutants.
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Stephanie A.
Publishing, 1-10 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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My overall impression of Word is amazing. It's great software, made for businesses in mind, & definitely has been in the business to build a strong Brand name. However, their price shows it. I have difficulty spending the kind of cost that Microsoft Office is charging these days.
Microsoft Word is one of the absolute best programs out there. I was able to integrate third-party apps for in-app pay. It was extremely convenient. Also, my calendar synced up with my task lists and vice versa. I didn't have to remember to do it or let my assistant know.
This software is a little more confusing on the general interface than what the average consumer is used to seeing. However, I do have faith. People do move with the times and I'm certain it will be a memory when grandmas didn't know how to text. It's also very expensive for what you get. I do love the additional features but, to be honest, Google Workspace may have its issues, but I'd much rather deal with it than pay the cost of Word.
Rohullah H.
Public Relations and Communications, 51-200 employees
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Overall, I highly recommend others to use this software because of its simplicity, usefulness, and reliability. It is user friendly, everything is pretty simple to do and learn even for new learners.
This program is user-friendly and has made a lot of difficult tasks simple and easy to implement. I have been using this program for more than eight years and I still use it because, it makes my work so easy that I can make different types of documents, write essays, make resume, cover letter, job application, proposals, reports, books, and other types of documents. It takes less time to learn and...
Although, it is difficult to talk about the things I do not like about this software. I still want to say that, its pros are much more than its cons, because of the fact that it is flexible, trustworthy and simple to use. The only minor thing I do not like about software is that sometimes it is difficult to change some documents into a format that you like, but that also could be the result of not knowing how to do it.
Gbenga S.
Civil Engineering, 1-10 employees
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Overall, Word's collaborative tools, user-friendly interface, and integration with other Microsoft applications and third-party services make it a powerful and versatile tool for a variety of tasks, from writing reports to creating presentations.
multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, making it ideal for group projects, team assignments, or collaborative writing. also in terms of ease of use, Word's ribbon interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate the program and find specific functions. Additionally, Word's customizable quick-access toolbar allows adding frequently used commands for even quicker access.
In terms of usability, Word's layout can sometimes feel overwhelming, with an extensive array of menus and options that can make it challenging to find specific functions. Furthermore, while Word's keyboard shortcuts can be very useful, they may not be immediately apparent to new users.
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Higher Education, 1,001-5,000 employees
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I am able to access and grade and return any student work and share it with my superiors.
Microsoft Word has been a favorite of mine ever since 2010. I love the relativelty newly added OneDrive feature and the formatting features are unmatched by Microsoft Word's competitors. I love how all my documents can be stored without a second thought into discrete folders and I can seperate personal and workplace files safely and neatly. I also love the new logo and Microsoft Word is constantly updating to include more advanced features by the year. I do not know where I would be without Word.
I do not like how I need to be connected to the internet to access OneDrive, but other than that, no complaints here.