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Bill4Time Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.52/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

It is cloud-based, super user friendly (everyone's learning curve has been quite small), supports electronic billing, and gets the job done effectively and efficiently.
I like the program and love the support staff. I love a secure platform for my records.
This has been a real boon to the practice and I am very happy with this product. The more I dig in the more I realize how helpful this program is to analyze our overall productivity.
Sometimes I lost my last entrance and confused it one to the next one, repeating info.
Limited features, no spanish version. Tarif module is limitaed.
Would prefer a report that is more customizable for columns to be displayed. Reports being printed are too limited in presentation.
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