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Trustpilot is a review management platform that helps online businesses to establish a trusted brand and connect with customers...
GetMoreReviews is a cloud-based review generation and reputation management platform which is designed to encourage satisfied...
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Adam H.
Medical Practice, 51-200 employees
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It didn't help with any of my goals to obtain reviews for a large thriving business in South Carolina. From the problems I listed in the "cons" section of this review, I decided to search for a system that doesn't require a client to login to a google/facebook/etc account to leave a review, because with older populations you can't expect them to create an account to leave a review. In order to do this you need a third party system and I chose "Trustpilot" it has a lot higher conversion rate because there are less steps to convert, the problem with them is they do not have a "text" option which means you have to have a texting marketing service to do this. Texting does get more activity very quickly vs. email request for reviews.
To be honest, getmorereviews is a really good at sending out review requests. It allows you to send phone (text) and emails. This is a great feature. It will also stop negative reviews... Again awesome feature. It is also easy to use.
The biggest problem with getmorereviews is when a request is sent to some one, sends them to a landing page that has a star rating then sends them to the companies review page. This is a problem because it doesn't convert the request to an actual review. The recipient thinks by clicking one of the stars, they are leaving a review. Then when they are sent from that landing page to the actual company google, facebook, or other platform they don't want to sign in or they ignore it because, again, they think they left the review already by selecting the star. If the review doesn't convert it's not worth any money you pay for it.