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Selldone Logo


Build, manage, and scale your business visually.


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Selldone Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.61/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

The greatest thing about this product is by far the most beautiful front end website you will see and with ease of use in design. This is a great product and the front facing site is gorgeous.
Very good, the founders are great. Support is quick and the platform itself has a very exciting future.
The platform is fast loading, has a nice UI and I especially love the analytics. The support team is also very attentive and supportive.
There are no complete tutorials for the lisitng website that I try to build, so I need to understand the workflow from the small but existing tutorials and improvise.
The design options are somewhat limited with selldone ecommerce store front. Looking forward to having more visual customisation options in the near future.
The experience is going very well, and the response to queries is simply brutal.
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