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Plus & Minus Logo

Plus & Minus

Accounting and ERP accounting in real-time


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Plus & Minus Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend10/10

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Pros and cons

Pros: -The ease of the system's navigation logic helps a lot with employee daily efficiency. They have very good tools for running special reports or for any inquires you may have.
Software is fabulous easy to use never lose data and you can run multiple companies.
Tim and Tom have been very responsive in addressing any questions or examining any issues we have had; they and their support team are hands-on.
The common thread that held all these large software systems was their complexity, lack of reliability and the big-ticket expense we had to pay just to get things to work correctly.
The complexity of the other accounting software systems often resulted in long and difficult implementations.
Exporting and importing tools for the various aspects of the system dramatically cut down the time that would be necessary to make the same multiple changes or updates manually.
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