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Guesty Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend8.95/10

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Pros and cons

Working with them has been great - they are collaborative, constantly improving their product, and have provided us with great customer service.
In special I would like to mention they have a great support department which will help you in any way possible.
We love that the guesty professionals help us at night answering our clients needs. The platform is easy to use and we have been extremely happy with it.
The onboarding is even worse than the software. All of that said, the leadership is the root to the problem.
Honestly, worst software and worst customer service experience of my life, and I used to have AT&T. I would strongly advise people to run for the hills.
Really it is a joke of a company and if you know anything about software you will see how weak it is and how it provides no where close to the value it charges you for.
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