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Continuous testing platform for functional & API automation

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ACCELQ Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.52/10

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Pros and cons

Overall, I have had an outstanding experience with AccelQ. Their support is top notch, quick to reply and help with any issues that arise.
Codeless automation tool by accelq is one of the best tool I have come across. Best for seamless transtion of tests from functional to automation.
He cares about the product, knows all my answers and is a fun person to work with.
When we run the test scripts in other agents , sometimes cases are failing.
Managing agents might be difficult in long run I guess.
Custom integrations should have an inbuilt editor. So that users dont need to create the libraries in java and export it to accelq.
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