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AutoServe1 Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.03/10

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Pros and cons

Excellent tool for consultation with customers, great visual aid, positive feedback from customers, has helped sell vehicle maintenance.
This product and the Customer Service techs are fantastic. Best investment I've ever made.
Improved communication and trust with our customers. Improved inspections with pictures.
We have trouble with buy in from our techs on performing the inspections, and this has been our biggest struggle.
Delay times, connectivity / drop outs, sometimes pictures do not come through and/or the drop down selections are not what the tech had chosen.
This may be a hardware compatability issue according to one of the support people I dealt with early on, but annoying never the less.
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