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Paperpile Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.12/10

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Pros and cons

Love the chrome extension and add to paperpile button. Customer support exists unlike other free apps and is awesome.
I often work on multiple computers and I don't want to have to install new software everywhere I go. It's great for citations, but I like it even more for managing my pdf library.
I am happy with the current functionality. I am a heavy google suite user, so the Paperpile UI integration with chrome and google doc perfectly fits my need.
Once, it stopped working and just gave me errors for all of the references and I had to go through and re-enter all of the references again. That was a frustrating experience.
I have a difficult time managing my own folder and the shared folder. The paper search is horrible.
Secondly, when editing the pdf of papers, the position I want highlighted will move to the position with one row above. This problem is really annoying sometimes.
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