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Ease Logo


Benefits & HR administration for employers & brokers


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Ease Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend8.76/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

We have had clients that are super happy to have benefit management all online with easy online tools to help manage their benefits and all of their employees. It is worth the monthly cost.
Ease is a great system, learning and adapting with input from brokers and end users. It's got a great look and feel to it and the ever growing 3rd party connections and integrations are awesome.
We use Ease to enroll in our benefits each year. It's always something I procrastinate because I expect it to be difficult but then Ease ends up making it super quick and easy.
Finding out why issues are happening can be extremely frustrating.
Things were not accurate, most likely a user error in our HR department. I only went in a few times but never really saw a use for it.
Mapping errors have sometimes caused bigger issues with the company as a whole.
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