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ZenHR Logo


Technology with the power to transform HR


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ZenHR Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.11/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

Really great experience the website is easy to learn and has great usability.
It help to keep your employee DB, Manages all the transactions of Payroll, Handles Leaves and Vacations etc. Also this is very user friendly and straight forward.
We all depend in it for everything and it’s very useful to manage your day to day operations. I like the fact that they are continually adding features.
Many of the services are NOT matured and not easy to use, always need to find workarounds. Many many many payroll mistakes and errors.
ZenHR is basically a leave tool with not much else capability. This is system is limited and cant process a basic payroll.
Pleasant UI but very poor UX. Very weak app! barely works.
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