GetApp Content Compliance Policy
Please take time to read this policy ("Policy") as it sets out important information relating to how you may use our content externally (outside of your organization).
We have also created a detailed FAQ which will help provide answers to some of the most common questions asked about content usage.
Gartner, Inc. is the definitive source of objective and independent technology thought leadership. To protect our reputation for objectivity and independence, we have strict standards for appropriate use of our intellectual property.
In this Policy, references to "we", "us", "Capterra", “GetApp”, or “Software Advice” are references to Capterra Inc., Nubera eBusiness S.L. (GetApp), and Software Advice, Inc. , subsidiaries of Gartner Inc. (and collectively known as “Gartner Digital Markets”). This Policy only applies to Gartner Digital Markets, and does not apply to Gartner Inc. and its other associated group companies, products, and/or services on
Gartner’s content (“Gartner Content” or “Gartner Digital Markets Content”) is subject to trademark and copyright protections, regardless of where and how it is referenced. This policy (the “Policy”) defines how you may use Gartner Digital Markets Content. The Policy also applies to any third party that writes and/or promotes content on your behalf, including your partner organizations. All decisions are at the sole discretion of the Gartner Content Compliance team, or its delegates, and are final. For the purposes of the Policy, Gartner Digital Markets Content includes, but is not limited to, Gartner’s name, logo, graphics, badges, images, trademarks, copyrights, and references to experts (including, analysts, advisors, and researchers) and published content. Use of Gartner Digital Markets Content outside the scope of this policy must be submitted to the Gartner Digital Market Compliance team for consideration
Gartner, Inc. reserves the right to change its policies or explanations of its policies at any time, without notice. We request that you check these Guidelines periodically for such changes. Your continued use of this Service following our updates constitutes your acceptance of these changes.
Submitting Questions or Requests to Use Gartner Digital Markets Content
Email all questions pertaining to using Gartner Digital Markets content to:, with the subject line “Content Compliance Request”.
Be prepared to submit the following:
The link to the original Capterra, Software Advice, or GetApp content from which any content is taken;
Your draft materials (include a mock-up for webpages, booth designs and marketing slicks — no screenshots please) in which the Gartner reference(s) will appear.
Turnaround time:
Please allow up to five (5) business days for review.
Note: Requests that require multiple rounds of review or expert involvement may take longer.
1. General Usage Rules
This section covers the logos, trademarks, and badges, derived from Gartner Digital Markets, which includes Capterra, GetApp, and Software Advice.
To receive approval for any request, you must have legitimate access to the Gartner Content you are displaying or quoting. For the purposes of this Policy, you have legitimate access to Gartner Content if you are an entitled client or are quoting from a licensed reprint. You always have legitimate access to all externally facing Gartner Content (for example, Capterra, GetApp, or Software Advice reviews and ratings, research reports, or similar publicly-available content on our websites).
Quotes, excerpts, references, and graphics must be attributed to Capterra, GetApp, or Software Advice.
All quotes, excerpts, references, and graphics from Capterra, Software Advice, or GetApp reviews must be less than 12 months old.
The company names “Gartner,” “Capterra,” “Software Advice” and “GetApp” may not appear as the first word in the headline/subhead of your press release, newsletter, social media post or email subject line. Read More
You may display Gartner Digital Market Content alongside competitor content, but in doing so, you must clearly distinguish each from the other(s).
Comparing our methodologies with those of our competitors, or creating side-by-side comparisons between our graphics and those of our competitors, is strictly prohibited. Read More.
We do not allow promotion on third-party websites that are competitive to Gartner Digital Markets. Read More
You may not use Gartner Digital Markets Content in any manner that competes with an existing Gartner Digital Markets offering.
Use of Gartner Digital Markets Content through Social Media and Events must include the proper disclaimers and adhere to the terms outlined in sections 1.3 and 1.4.
You may not use Gartner IP in any manner that competes with an existing Gartner offering.
1.1. General Logo and Trademark Use
Except when receiving something that we have specifically classified as an “award,” our logos, badges, and images may not be used to imply an award.
Your logo must be the primary image (in both size and positioning) in your promotional materials and at least 10% larger than our logos, badges, and images.
Our logos, badges, and images may not be placed next to, or bundled with, your logo or any other logos.
You may not alter any element of our logos, badges, and images (elements that may not be changed include typeface and font, proportion, orientation and color).
Our logos, badges, and images may not appear in:
Your press release;
Email signature blocks (except when using the approved Gartner Digital Markets templates);
Securities offering documents; or
Annual reports
Any badge which has been supported by a Gartner Digital Markets site, may be displayed in perpetuity. You must include:
The full report attribution;
Proper legal disclaimer as listed in Section 1.3; and
A link to your official landing page.
Please reference: Proper Use of Garter Digital Markets Logos and Badges for visual examples and details.
1.2. General Content/Intellectual Policy Use
Quotes found in media or third-party sources are not allowed. Why?
All excerpts must be lifted verbatim, in their entirety, and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not allowed.
Gartner Content may not be repurposed in any manner that implies that Gartner Digital Markets endorses a vendor, product or service. Examples.
Gartner Content may not be used to criticize another company. Why?
Graphics or tables from Gartner published content must be shown in their entirety with no changes.
Vendor-specific graphics or tables that reflect product or service rating, ranking, recognition or positioning may be excerpted from eligible licensed Gartner Digital Markets Content (for example, a reprint).
Gartner Digital Markets Content may not appear in corporate boilerplate text. Why?
1.3. Required Disclaimers for Digital Media
Except in digital media with character limitations (for example, Twitter), the disclaimers listed below MUST appear with any/all content reference(s) (when there is a true character limitation, you may forgo the disclaimer, provided that you link to something that hosts the full disclaimer, such as a blog post or a landing page):
Capterra logo
Required disclaimer: The CAPTERRA logo is a service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.
Capterra Arrow logo
Required disclaimer: The Capterra Arrow logo is a service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.
Software Advice logo
Required disclaimer: The SOFTWARE ADVICE logo is a service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
GetApp logo
Required disclaimer: The GETAPP logo is a service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved
Badge Disclaimer
Required disclaimer: The Gartner Digital Markets badges from Capterra, GetApp, and SoftwareAdvice are trademarks and service marks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates are used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Digital Markets badges constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates.
Reviews Content
Required disclaimer: Gartner Digital Markets reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates.
1.4. Required Disclaimers for Events
You must submit your promotional content to Gartner Content Compliance for approval to use reviews content, data from, or badges and logos promoting, Gartner Digital Markets on booth signage. All other promotional materials do not require approval from Gartner Content Compliance but must follow this Policy.
All references to Gartner Digital Markets ratings or review excerpts on booth signage must include a link to the corresponding public landing page on the relevant Gartner Digital Markets site.
1.5. External Sharing of Gartner Digital Markets Content
Licensed Users of Gartner Digital Markets are entitled to use Gartner Digital Markets Content in accordance with their scope of service. Clients who wish to share authorized Gartner Digital Markets Content outside of their entitlements must either:
Purchase a license for external use of eligible reports; or
Purchase entitlements to that offering
1.6. Internal Usage
Clients may quote Gartner Digital Markets Content internally without approval from Gartner Content Compliance, as long as you comply with the Gartner Digital Markets Community Guidelines. Clearly mark all internal material containing Gartner excerpts “For internal use only.” If you want to distribute an entire piece of research, see Section 4.0.
2. Use and Promotion of Gartner Digital Markets Reviews and Related Products
This section covers the sites, honest reviews, ratings and any content derived from Gartner Digital Markets, which includes Capterra, GetApp, and Software Advice.
2.1. General Use of Reviews Content
All review content, and excerpts of review content, must be lifted verbatim and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not allowed.
You may use data (honest reviews and ratings) from Gartner Digital Markets in social media, press releases, and PPT presentations. All use must comply with all sections of this policy.
You must follow the reprint process (Section 4.1) for any reference to reprint-eligible Gartner Digital Markets intellectual property.
You may quote a review in full, or excerpt individual comments from a review, about your company or its products. When doing so, you must include a link back to the corresponding review page, or individual review, when applicable.
You may not quote or excerpt review comments made about any other provider.
You may not use ratings or reviews to criticize a competitor.
You may not perform your own calculations to be used in promotional materials using data from Gartner Digital Markets.
Use of Gartner Digital Market Reviews through Social Media and Events must include the proper disclaimers and adhere to the terms outlined in sections (1.3 and 1.4)
2.2. Use of Video Reviews
When displaying a GDM-sourced video review on a website, vendors may display video reviews related to their software through the “embed” function provided through the YouTube platform. When displaying a video review on a website, vendors must i) conform to all Policies & Community Guidelines of the YouTube platform, ii) display the video through the “embed” functionality only, iii) display the video review in its entirety, with no selective start/stop times in place, and iv) include a link back to the corresponding review page, or individual review, when applicable. Video reviews can be displayed alongside other content in accordance with the usage policies in place. In addition, video reviews must not be recorded or downloaded in any format with the intent to repurpose for display or sharing, in accordance to YouTube’s Terms of Service.
Quoting from Video Reviews
Vendors may quote from a video review about their software, provided that all review content, and excerpts of the review content, are lifted in verbatim and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not allowed.
Sharing Video Reviews
Vendors may share video reviews content related to their software through email or social channels, adhering to all Policies & Community Guidelines of the YouTube platform.
2.3. Gartner Digital Markets Reviews Insights
2.3.1. Guidelines for all Reviews Insights
You must always use the latest version of Reviews Insights available.
You may not use Reviews Insights output to criticize another company.
You may not take screenshots of charts from the Ratings Discovery module and use them externally. For example, you may not share a chart on social media or in a sales presentation, or screen share with anyone outside your organization.
You may not resell or repurpose the data from Reviews Insights.
2.3.2. Guidelines for the Ratings Discovery Module
You may reference the Reviews Insights Ratings Discovery module for internal use within your organization only, for example, for your own strategic customer and product insights, comparisons, and learnings.
You may use the Download Tool to download your product’s reviews data as long as the downloaded data is only used internally within your organization.
You may not share or engage in any other external use of the data from the Reviews Insights Ratings Discovery Module.
Examples for proper use of the Ratings Discovery module include but are not limited to:
Analyzing your prospecting and reviews collection strategy: you can identify market segments of strength that may be currently unknown or untargeted
Analyzing your marketing strategy: you can identify crowd-sourced points of differentiation in reviews rating performance
Making product development decisions: you can identify areas for product improvement and differentiation by analyzing product reviews and ratings
Strategy validation: you can affirm the success of strategic initiatives (e.g. entering a new market) by leveraging the reviews data
2.3.3. Guidelines for the Text Discovery Module
The only elements of the Text Discovery Module that can be shared externally/outside of your organization are “Review Snippets”.
You may quote Review Snippets from the Text Discovery Module and use them externally, provided that all use is in accordance with these Guidelines.
You may not share or represent graphics or any other data from the Text Discovery Module externally.
You may use assets generated by the Text Discovery Module’s “Snippet Quotation” feature as long as you:
use the HTML content asset for external or internal use.
do not alter or modify the asset, or place additional visuals/text on top of the asset that would in any way alter or obscure it. The asset and content contained within must be used in its entirety, without any alterations other than the exceptions listed below:
The only allowable customization is to the size of the asset
Include assets that are less than 12 months old (that is, from the date of the review from which the Snippet has been generated). At the conclusion of the time period, the asset will be deactivated and you must replace it if you still want to use it.
Review Snippets may also be quoted separately from the “Snippet Quotation” feature. To quote Review Snippets without the use of the “Snippet Quotation” feature, you must comply with the following:
When citing a Snippet from an individual Gartner Digital Markets review, the review must be less than 12 months old and the citation must include a URL to the full review or the product page where the review resides;
Citations of Snippets in traditional print media must include a URL link to the individual review or the product page where the review resides.
Citations of snippets in digital media must include a URL to the individual review or the product page where reviews appear.
All cited quotes must include the following disclaimer on the webpage where you have located the Snippet: [Gartner Digital Market site, e.g. Capterra, GetApp, or Software Advice] reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of [Gartner Digital Markets site] or its affiliates.
Examples for proper use of the Text Discovery Module include but are not limited to:
Quoting reviews and review Snippets that highlight your product: you may quote a review Snippet, as long as you do not alter language from the original Snippet in the Text Discovery module. Additionally, you may opt to add context to your quotation by including the reviewer’s name, the company size, the job title, and the industry of the reviewer.
The disclaimer listed in C.3.d. must be included on the same page where the Snippet is located.
Examples: For quoting one Snippet: “A great product with excellent customer support” – (hyperlink back to the source site) IT Systems Engineer, Financial Services, October 10, 20XX. Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates. For quoting multiple Snippets: “The app is easy to navigate and I like having the plans easily accessible in the field” –Supervisor, May 03, 20XX (hyperlink back to the source site). “A great product with excellent customer support” – IT Systems Engineer, Financial Services, October 10, 20XX (hyperlink back to the source site). Capterra reviews constitute the subjective opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences and do not represent the views of Capterra or its affiliates.
At the end of the license term, GDM may provide notice if Snippet Quotation assets are to be disabled (e.g., if you do not remain a subscriber to Reviews Insights, the Snippets will be disabled at the conclusion of your subscription).
2.4. Reviews Insights Competitive Comparisons
You may use Reviews Insights Competitive Comparisons content graphics, provided:
You use the HTML version of the content graphic.
You do not alter or modify the content, or place additional visuals/text on top of the content that would somehow alter or obscure it. The content must be used in its entirety, without any alterations.
You do not use a Reviews Insights Competitive Comparison to criticize a competitor or another company.
Content graphics have a maximum lifetime of 12 months from their date of publication. Subscribers will have a one-month grace period to replace the content once the new publication has been announced. At the conclusion of the grace period, the content will be deactivated.
Example: If a subscriber purchases Reviews Insights Competitive Comparisons on 3/1/20XX, they would have the opportunity to purchase content from the most recent refresh cycle that occurred on 10/1/20XX. On the date of the next refresh cycle,4/1/20XX, the vendor may optionally update its 10/1/20XX content to the most recently produced content. With the next refresh cycle on 10/1/20XX, the subscriber must update to content from either 4/1/20XX or 10/1/20XX. Gartner will provide a grace period of 1 month for the vendor to select alternative scenarios, before we deactivate any legacy content that was produced on 10/1/20XX.
Reviews Insights Competitive Comparisons may not be altered in any way, must be used in their entirety, and include the following features:
Display product names, the category/market name, and date created.
Display all applicable filters and dimensions clearly (e.g., rating fields, timeframe; company size, geography, or industry).
Display average ratings and review counts for the included products and category.
Include the following disclaimer on all charts and graphics: Reviews Insights Competitive Comparison constitutes the subjective opinion of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data; they neither represent the views of nor constitute an endorsement by, [Gartner Digital Markets site, e.g. Capterra, GetApp, or Software Advice] or its affiliates.
Only display products that have a minimum of 10 reviews in the chosen segment in the 12-month trailing year of the publication date.
You may not perform your own calculations using data from Digital Markets Reviews Insights Competitive Comparison content. All references to ratings and reviews must be those found in the Competitive Comparisons published by Capterra, Software Advice, or GetApp
You may not resell data from the Reviews Insights Ratings Discovery Module.
At the end of the license term, Gartner Digital Markets may provide notice if Competitive Ratings Graphic (CRG) services are to be disabled (e.g., If the subscriber does not renew its CRG license by the last day of the license term, the CRGs will be disabled thereafter).
2.5. Displaying Vendor-Specific Graphics from Gartner Digital Markets Content
Vendor-specific graphics (defined as any graphic listing a vendor) from Gartner Digital Markets Content may only be displayed in homepage banners or registration webpages, blogs, social media, and presentations, and videos provided:
You comply with the provisions of the Policy.
The graphic is displayed exactly as the original. Edits, changes or enhancement are strictly prohibited and may result in an immediate quote and reprints ban of up to three months (see Section 5.0). Additionally, abstract representations of branded graphics in marketing materials are not allowed.
You are promoting an active reprint: You may only promote these graphics externally after you receive the reprint deliverable from Gartner Digital Markets. These graphics require the link to the full report to ensure proper context. The following disclaimer paragraph MUST appear with the graphic:
[Name of Gartner Digital Markets entity licensed content] constitute the subjective opinions of individual end-user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, [Gartner Digital Markets site, e.g. Capterra, GetApp, or Software Advice] or its affiliates.
2.6. Use of Review Quotes Content
Use only the HTML content asset for external or internal use.
Do not copy and use the preview image.
Do not alter or modify the asset, or place additional visuals/text on top of the asset that would in any way alter or obscure it. The asset and content contained within must be used in its entirety, without any alterations other than the exceptions listed: a) The only allowable customization is to the size of the asset
Do not disable any links.
Use Review Quotes that are less than 12 months old (that is, from the date of the review from which the Review Quote has been generated).
3. Gartner Digital Markets “Buyer Discovery”
These guidelines apply to anyone using Gartner's Digital Markets Buyer Discovery product, including its data extracts and website module. For details on these offerings, see the Buyer Discovery Service Description.
3.1. General Purpose Guidelines for Buyer Discovery Data
You must use the latest version of the Buyer Discovery application.
You may not sell or share Buyer Discovery data with any party.
You may not alter or modify the data in any way.
You may not use the Buyer Discovery output to criticize another company.
You may not take screenshots of the Buyer Discovery data extracts or the Buyer Discovery website and module and share externally. For example, you may not share screenshots of buyer discovery data on social media or in a sales presentation, or utilize screen-sharing to display data to anyone outside of your organization.
You are not permitted to cite Gartner, its affiliates (Capterra, GetApp, SoftwareAdvice), or any Gartner brand (e.g., Gartner Digital Markets) when leveraging Buyer Discovery Data.
3.2. Legitimate Uses of Buyer Discovery Data
You may use Buyer Discovery data to facilitate marketing and sales efforts, and strategic initiatives. Examples for proper use of Buyer Discovery data include but are not limited to:
Analyzing firmographic and intent details of identified companies to inform prospect segmentation for marketing and sales activities.
Retargeting identified companies through social media/advertising campaigns.
Using intent details provided to tailor marketing and sales outreach to a given company.
Identifying current customer companies that are reaching competitors and using this data to prevent possible customer attrition.
Analyzing identified companies and intent histories to inform marketing and sales strategies and tactics.
4. Special Cases
4.1. Reprints
Gartner Digital Markets sells reprints of some of its content. Use of reprints is subject to the Gartner Reprint Service Description’s terms and conditions. You may only promote a vendor’s recognition in Gartner Digital Markets Content by using the pre-approved templates provided to you by Gartner Digital Markets. To purchase reprints, please contact our Data Insights team at
4.2. Multimedia Products
Quoting of Gartner Digital Markets content via any Multimedia product must clearly indicate that the content is “Gartner Digital Markets” (not “Gartner”) (see Examples). All promotional materials and packaging must reflect this emphasis. Gartner must pre-approve the marketing or promotional verbiage related to these products. Gartner trademarks may not appear next to a vendor logo (see Proper Use of Garter Digital Markets Logos and Badges).
5. Policy Violations
Should you fail to comply with the Policy, we reserve the right to take appropriate steps to address violations, which could include penalties applied to vendor profiles, quote bans, or other penalties at our discretion. These could include, but are not limited to:
An immediate quote and reprints ban of up to three months may be imposed in the event that:
You have shared text, graphics or made ANY reference to DRAFT Gartner research or Gartner Digital Markets Content externally, or with anyone in your organization outside of the small group of fact review participants.
You use Gartner published research or references in an earnings call without pre-approval by Gartner Content Compliance. To submit a request, please email, with the subject “Content Compliance Request”, and include the following: i) Name, ii) phone number, iii) nature of the request, and iv) the link to the original Capterra, Software Advice, or GetApp content from which any content is taken; please allow at least 5 business days for a response.
A company-wide email distributed to all associates at your company as a reminder of their contractual obligation to follow Gartner Policy.
A “correction” email issued to external recipients of a non-compliant communication; this correction must be shared with Gartner.
Blog post on the Ombuds blog exposing the violation.
Termination of permission to allow Gartner experts to be listed as press contacts.
The application of a “Buyer Alert” posted across a software vendor’s Gartner Digital Markets product page.
Gartner may seek additional remedies available under contract, trademark, copyright, and other applicable law
6. Attribution
[Capterra, GetApp, Software Advice], [Title of Gartner Digital Markets content], [Publication date].
Policy Last Updated: July 2022