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Library Automation Software - Page 2

Last updated: February 2025

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46 software options

LibraryWorld logo

Library automation solution

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LibraryWorld is a cloud-based library automation solution which allows users to catalog their collection and manage circulation, patrons, inventory, and more. An online patron access catalog (OPAC) allows patrons to search the collection, and native iPhone & iPad apps provide access from anywhere.

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VERSO logo

Library management system

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VERSO is a cloud-based and on-premise library management solution designed to help public libraries of all sizes search, manage and share resources. Key features include search history tracking, patron management, request generation, copy cataloging, offline access, and reporting.

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Librarika logo

Library management tool to handle physical/virtual libraries

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Librarika allows individuals and organizations to manage their physical or virtual libraries using an Integrated Library System (ILS). It caters to a wide range of users, including universities, colleges, schools, polytechnics, medical institutes, public libraries, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and corporate offices.

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Coeli logo

Cloud-based platform for cultural heritage collections

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Coeli is a cloud-based platform with applications for cataloging, collections management, DAM and publishing your collections online.

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TinyCat logo

The best library management solution for small libraries.

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TinyCat offers a mobile-friendly, always HTTPS-secure OPAC powered by LibraryThing.

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BVS logo

Media management for libraries of all sizes

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BVS supports all librarian processes, including cataloging, lending, purchasing, accounting, reader management, and statistical reporting. The software is network compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems. BVS can also automatically catalog information using external data.

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G-Glibrary logo

Cloud-based library automation tool for librarians.

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G-Glibrary is a cloud-based solution that helps libraries manage their collections and operations on a unified interface. The platform enables users to streamline critical library processes including acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, and more. It provides an acquisition tracking feature, allowing librarians to record vendor information, pricing, and circulation details for books and periodicals. G-Glibrary also offers barcode support to further assist with circulation management.

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LibGuru logo

Library management software

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LibGuru is a library management software. The product assists with cataloging, circulation, acquisitions, serials, reserves, and more. The solution streamlines workflows and provides analytics and custom reports.

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MasterSoft LIB-Man logo

Manage, Track, and Perform Daily Library Operations

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LIB-Man provides a library management software that is user-friendly and flexible enough to go well with the needs of a modern library. It is designed based on the needs of all types of libraries. The software can be used for both large publishers and booksellers as well as smaller distributors who do not have their own database. LIB-Man helps in making your bookshelf more organized, efficient and productive while providing you with detailed reports in real time

Read more about MasterSoft LIB-Man

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Terentia logo

Terentia empowers cultural institutions.

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Terentia is a modern, cloud-native, Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed to meet today's expanding digital needs.

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OpenBiblio logo

PHP-based administration software for libraries

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Based on PHP, OpenBiblio is a platform-independent software for private and public libraries. It can be used to manage media content and loans and also handles user and employee data. This program is used by many smaller libraries and archives around the world.

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Perpustakaan logo

Library software for large and small book collections

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Perpustakaan is library software with which private individuals, schools, libraries, authorities, and associations can systematically manage their books. The software app prioritizes functionality, clarity, and user-friendliness.

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libreja logo

Software for managing libraries of all sizes

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libreja is a web-based software package for managing libraries of all sizes. The application makes it possible to view the entire media inventory online and includes other functions, such as user and catalog administration and a lending system.

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Bibliovation logo

Web-based Search Solution for Libraries

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Bibliovation is a cloud-enabled software solution designed to provide an integrated search engine for librarians. By condensing multiple database searches, the software aims to streamline research and record-keeping. The platform offers full MARC21 compatibility and mobile access.

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Colibris logo

Easy-to-use library management in the cloud

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Colibris is a library management system in the cloud, aimed at schools, heathcare, governments, law firms and other organisations. It features barcode-based lending, rich descriptions and unlimited usage. It is highly user-friendly and includes training and support.

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Aura Online logo

Catalog & lending management solution

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Aura Online is a library management system that supports almost any content, including online digital content. The platform can be used for all types of collections, both small and large, & offers features such as near labeling, attractive imagery, versatile file sharing, & more

Read more about Aura Online

Users also considered logo

Database for library media and literature

learn more is a database for library media and literature. The basic module enables automatic categorization and duplicate checks as well as different searches, including the full text of PDF documents.

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WinBook logo

Digital media and loan management for libraries

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WinBook is a library automation software that records media, manages loans, and allows managers to define their own media types. Cataloging is aided by Internet ISBN media searches and the software supports scanners and webcams for reading media covers.

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BiblioTECH logo

Library Management System

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BiblioTECH is a fully featured library management system designed in Victoria, Australia. It handles search, users, resources, circulation, and reports. The software runs on client premises. The cloud version is currently being developed.

Read more about BiblioTECH

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Ihr PLUS an Individualität!

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BIS-C PLUS das Bibliotheks-Informations-System für Bibliotheken, Archive, Dokumentationszentren, uvm.

Read more about BIS-C PLUS

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Artemis logo

Cloud-based library management system

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Artemis is a cloud-based library management software that gives students and librarians the powerful tools they need to be successful. With unlimited resources, automated collection development features, and customer support from a team of experts, Artemis is designed just for schools.

Read more about Artemis

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