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Oracle PeopleSoft
IT Asset Management
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Oracle PeopleSoft has the following typical customers:
Freelancers, Large Enterprises, Mid Size Business, Small Business
These products have better value for money
Q. What languages does Oracle PeopleSoft support?
Oracle PeopleSoft supports the following languages:
Q. Does Oracle PeopleSoft offer an API?
No, Oracle PeopleSoft does not have an API available.
Q. What level of support does Oracle PeopleSoft offer?
Oracle PeopleSoft offers the following support options:
24/7 (Live rep)
Oracle PeopleSoft is an IT asset management solution that provides complete control over your IT assets throughout the asset life cycle. With PeopleSoft, businesses can improve software license compliance, streamlines equipment provisioning, alerts IT professionals about lease expirations, and provides reliable IT asset data for business and financial analytics.
Typical customers
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Training options
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1 categories
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Overall Rating
Positive reviews
Overall rating contenders
Christina B.
Research Scientist
Hospital & Health Care, 201-500 employees
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Christina: My name is Christina. I'm a healthcare consultant and I give Oracle PeopleSoft a four out...
Timothy S.
Higher Education,
Used daily for 1-2 years
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This application has eased personnel management & provided a secure platform for HR data.
The employee information and details get consolidated into one system. Tracking time attendance, overtime became is easy and clear. Can be integrated with the payroll system The system is reliable and works seamlessly on Oracle servers. The database is highly secure.
Customizing the software to fit the requirements of the HR department took over a year. The support contract is expensive.
Felix P.
Health, Wellness and Fitness, 10,001+ employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It is a fully baked HRIS system that requires extensive buisiness analyst knowledge to implement. But once implemented, hard to switch to a different system.
Very robust tools and I like the data structure. From a vanilla implementation perspective, it's very clean as an HRIS system. The modules are straightforward and there is a lot of spec documentation available.
Customization is a beast. A lot of testing involved an depending on the consultants you have, may be a pain to customize from vanilla Peoplesoft.
Verified reviewer
Higher Education, 10,001+ employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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You can add frequently used reports or screens to your My Favorites list for easy access. The Worklist functionality makes it easy to see what PTRs (Personnel Transaction Requests) are awaiting your action.
PeopleSoft is clunky and slow. I spend so much of my day watching the blue loading icon cycle. The reports have long names that aren't very intuitive, e.g. Commit Accting Cross-Reference shows you what positions are currently assigned to a particular account. There are hundreds of different roles to be able to view, create, and approve different requests. The role titles and descriptions are confusing, and they aren't grouped by job function. Whenever you hire a new person, it's exhausting to figure out what roles they will need to perform their job.
Pia D.
Used daily for 6-12 months
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I used oracle when working as a buyer planner at Starbucks, I was there as it got implemented, and it made work so much easier. It simplified work and one could get things done more efficient. Instead of having to do several steps, using the program gave you the chance to do things faster and you found information in the system which also made work easier. The support was very good and always at hand.
As mentioned I was there for the implementation and it took a while to have all the tools ready and working properly. The system couldn't be used at it's full potential for a while. With the right support and with time it got solved.
Jeffrey A C.
Accounting, 10,001+ employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It allow the ability to resolved a issue on a charge by drilling down and not just from system to system . No running around in search of a paper copy of a invoice . Save so much time.
It was acquired by Oracle and the my employer switch to Oracle 10.7 and lost those abilities for a period of time.