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Datto SIRIS Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.18/10

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Pros and cons

The software is top quality, the best in the business. Also the support team is American based and has personality and is very good.
Datto has been good to me for my needs. Anytime that I have a question, someone is there to help.
The most important thing with regards to business continuity services is speed and quality of support when it is required.
Support for the product and warranty that should cover if the unit fails but Datto support person chose to arbitrarily ignore the warranty and no explanation of why not.
Cost is usually a problem when we suggest them to clients and its a twofold problem. The monthly infinite cloud retention fees as well as the hardware itself can be quite exorbitant.
Staff who responds to a question: "I have no idea - go back to the person who sent you email" about our missing equipment. Tickets are open forever with no one taking responsibility and actions.
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