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BEHCA Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend8.24/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

The ease of use for this product is amazing. The option to customize just what you need makes data entry faster.
I really enjoy see the the full analysis of the data. It is nice to see both prosocial behavior and behavior where students are struggling.
I love being able to see all the ups and downs of our residents' behavior, as well as the strategies used by staff around those behaviors. It is truly person-centered, showing their entire day.
The app is so difficult to use and get started. It is extremely confusing.
There were a lot of hiccups/room for errors around the medication tracking.
It is kinda confusing if you don't use it everyday.
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