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ERP software for small businesses in Brazil
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MarketUP has the following pricing plans:
Pricing model: Free
These products have better value for money
Q. Who are the typical users of MarketUP?
MarketUP has the following typical customers:
Freelancers, Small Business
Q. What languages does MarketUP support?
MarketUP supports the following languages:
Q. Does MarketUP support mobile devices?
MarketUP supports the following devices:
Android, iPad, iPhone
Q. Does MarketUP offer an API?
Yes, MarketUP has an API available for use.
Q. What other apps does MarketUP integrate with?
MarketUP integrates with the following applications:
Google Analytics 360, PayU
Q. What level of support does MarketUP offer?
MarketUP offers the following support options:
Knowledge Base, FAQs/Forum, Email/Help Desk, Phone Support
MarketUP is an enterprise resource management (ERP) software designed for small businesses in Brazil operating across various industry sectors, including salons, retail, veterinaries, apparel, gaming, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverages. It enables organizations to streamline operations related to sales, purchasing, inventory, and finance, among other processes.
Typical customers
Platforms supported
Support options
Training options
Starting from
Starting from
Value for money
Starting from
Value for money contenders
Total features
8 categories
Functionality contenders
Overall Rating
Positive reviews
Overall rating contenders
Rafael R.
Commercial Real Estate, 1-10 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Since its implementation, it was already possible to note the ease of the program that perfectly serves the financial, sales and inventory sectors. The fact that it is free does not detract from this program, quite the contrary, there are paid programs that are much less intuitive and offer fewer options than marketup. The reporting area is a masterpiece.
Easy item registration, complete inventory reports, the POS is very intuitive.
the dashboard is very polluted, constant changes that need time to be usable.
legiane s.
Human Resources, self-employed
Used daily for 6-12 months
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utilizo para controle de estoque, contas a pagar e a receber.
Achei o software bem didático, bem fácil de compreender e com muitas funcionalidades liberadas na função gratuita. Bem completo.
como utilizo a função gratuita, possui muitos anúncios em seu visual, mas isso não chega a ser um ponto negativo, pois é a versão gratuita.
Showing original review in Portuguese. See translation
Daiana P.
Writing and Editing, self-employed
Used weekly for 6-12 months
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Use daily and sometimes weekly, easy, practical and wonderful! I highly recommend it.
Great application to manage business. Complete and easy to use!
Do not load the services page, for example automatically, you have to click to load pages. But nothing difficult to solve.
Elaine Cristina M.
Retail, 10,001+ employees
Used weekly for less than 6 months
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Muito boa, estou gostando bastante
Facilidades no manuseio do software, ele atender perfeitamente as necessidades de nossas obras
Relatório, tive certa dificuldade para inserir as atividades da obra no relatório. Tive coloca-las uma a uma
Showing original review in Portuguese. See translation
GigaVoltz M.
Retail, 1-10 employees
Used daily for less than 6 months
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Vem quebrando o galho, mas já estou pensando em mudar.
Sistema fácil de usar, e tem bastante coisa para um software gratuito.
O sistema conta com alguns bugs chatos e não tem uma funcionalidade simples de busca por mais de um termo separado. Isso irrita muito. As vezes não registra a baixa no estoque quando vendo um item, tanto pelo pdv quanto pelo pedido de venda no erp.
Showing original review in Portuguese. See translation