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Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend9.32/10

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Pros and cons

I love how friendly the software is. It’s super easy to figure out and if anything ever goes wrong, the amazing customer service is only a short phone call away.
I love how integrated this ticketing software is with our website, and the customer service is top notch - friendly, thorough and timely.
Best features: Ease of use in setting up tickets for sale; EXCELLENT customer service (even when you as the obvious!); new features to make the program even better.
That if there are any issues and if someone where new to this software they have no clue who to call for technical issues.
There is a learning curve and not a lot of training provided to familiarize newcomers to where things are hiding.
We have had issues with the new roll out of their seating chart. Unfortunately, our seating chart seem to be too big for the newest system and we are stuck with the legacy version.
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