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German-language bookkeeping tool for freelancers and SMBs
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lexoffice has the following pricing plans:
Starting from: €7.90/month
Pricing model: Subscription
These products have better value for money
Q. Who are the typical users of lexoffice?
lexoffice has the following typical customers:
Freelancers, Small Business
Q. Does lexoffice support mobile devices?
lexoffice supports the following devices:
Android, iPad, iPhone
Q. Does lexoffice offer an API?
Yes, lexoffice has an API available for use.
Q. What other apps does lexoffice integrate with?
lexoffice integrates with the following applications:
Pleo, PayPal, awork , Zapier, Clockodo, GetMyInvoices, Shopify
Q. What level of support does lexoffice offer?
lexoffice offers the following support options:
Phone Support, Knowledge Base
lexoffice is a bookkeeping platform aimed at German freelancers and small business owners. Its modular pricing structureallows users to choose between Invoice & Finance, Accounting & Reports, or Accounting & Payroll, the latter being the most complete of the three pricing plans.
Typical customers
Platforms supported
Support options
Training options
Starting from
Per month
Per Feature
Starting from
Value for money
Starting from
Per month
Per Feature
Value for money contenders
Total features
1 categories
Functionality contenders
Overall Rating
Positive reviews
Overall rating contenders
Antoine L.
Marketing and Advertising, 1-10 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It's saving me headaches everyday. Before I had this software accounting was a nightmare for me and my little agency.
Easy to use has a lot of other applications connected to the software.
some more customization of the invoicing would be nice and a better integration to Bitrix24
Christian M.
Professional Training & Coaching, self-employed
Used daily for 6-12 months
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Ich habe mich für lexoffice als Buchhaltungsprogramm entschieden, und es nicht bereut. Die Rechnungserstellung (im personalisierten Format) ist absolut schnell, schick und unkompliziert. Es ist nicht viel Einarbeitungszeit nötig. Durch das automatische Kontenmanagement und das Anbinden von Geschäftskonten (z.B. Kontist) habe ich jederzeit meine Finanzen im Blick. Die Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung ist wirklich unglaublich einfach.Die App ist super, damit kann ich direkt über mein Smartphone neue Belege hochladen und verbuchen.Dadurch habe ich nicht mehr mit Zettelwirtschaft und herumfliegenden Belegen zu kämpfen. Mit wenig Aufwand sind alle Rechnungen, Belege und Finanzabrechnungen ständig aktuell.
Lexoffice ist aufgeräumt, übersichtlich und dennoch sehr umfangreich und mächtig.Durch automatische Belegerkennung und Belegupload (per App) kann ich meine Belege mit nur wenigen Klicks verbuchen.Die Kontosynchronisierung und die übersichtliche Beleg- und Finanzverwaltung helfen mir dabei, immer den Blick über meine Geschäftsvorgänge und Finanzen zu haben.
Leider gibt es keine Schnittstelle zu Wiso Mein Geld. Die jährliche Umsatzsteuererklärung und die EÜR muss ich daher leider händisch übertragen. Schade.
Showing original review in German. See translation
Janosch F.
Human Resources, 51-200 employees
Used monthly for less than 6 months
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Quick to setup, easy to use, gets the job done, perfect for a start from the run.
I was able to create an account and write my first invoice in about half an hour. Simple yet useful templates and intuitive user interface supported me in doing so. Also, the trial was free and I was able to just start earning money without having to grind through reviews or do a comparison marathon between different solutions. I also could put my logo on my invoice and make it look very close to my business paper.
At the same time it was lear for me from the beginning, that it would probably not a longterm solution as the ways to customize the look and feel of the invoices was not convincing. Bugs kept on coming up, with formating being forgotten or vanishing. Also the integration with Zapier was fairly basic making it impossible to create one-click offers from my sales pipline or automatically close won oportunities / deals form the salespipline in case an Invoice is created. Lexoffice has a lot of room to grow in this segment.
Michael Q.
Information Services, 1-10 employees
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All in all, Lexware is a very easy-to-use software that even non-professionals should be able to handle. Those who want to do real accounting at some point will then have to switch.
Die im allgemeinen sehr umfassende Ausstattung. Nahezu jeder Bereich ist abgedeckt.
The restriction to a small part of the DATEV system of accounts. According to the provider, this is intentional. This means that the software is lost for all those who want to book "correctly" at some point. Very quickly I came to a point during testing, where I was missing a certain account to book. The support suggested that I should simply use another booking account. However, a completely wrong one, which would have led to a wrong accounting. At that point Lexware was out of the race for me.
Manuel R.
Management Consulting, self-employed
Used weekly for 2+ years
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Einhaltung der GoBD. Die Belegverwaltung ist einfach und geht schnell. Anbindung an Steuerbüro möglich.
Einige Funktionen sind nur in den teuren Plänen verfügbar, z.B. API, Anzahlungsrechnung oder Kundenakte.
Showing original review in German. See translation