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Mobile-first employee communication for large organizations
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John M.
Environmental Services, 1-10 employees
Used weekly for 6-12 months
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Real time chat and @mentions make it a worthwhile software
It should be more affordable even for a small firm that is just getting started
Simon K.
Hospitality, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Flexibility, potential user engagement, customer service through support, regular further developments
There is nothing major about this solution that I don't like.
Selina H.
Automotive, 201-500 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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The look & feel of the App is simply great. Also, when we have any questions or recommendations, there is always someone from the Staffbase Customer Service that will help us out.
We frequently use widgets - some more widget options would be great. But there is nothing really I do not like about Staffbase.
Jonas H.
Logistics and Supply Chain, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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This app is easy to use and easy to integrate into our existing system. Our goal was to make information available to all employees. The app was very well received by employees and is used a lot
Currently, no local programs can be integrated into the launchpad. The biggest obstacle for us is to get non-desk users excited about the app and to integrate them
Denise K.
Banking, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 6-12 months
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The team ist very couteous, helpful and we always have al lot of fun together. Continuosly improvements and updates. We are very satisfied with working with staffbase.
It´s easy to use, understandable und usable for all employees
No personal meetings with the Team, but always virtually with cams.
Claudia R.
Government Administration, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for less than 6 months
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When questions arise, the project manager and/or suppport team is easy to reach. Very kind handling and helpful.
The product is easy to use, clear and we like the look, layout options and functions.
Some additionally features are currently in development, that we are looking forward to.
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Apparel & Fashion, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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The possibility to reach all the employees of the world
little flexibility in the set up of communication visibility
Philipp A.
Oil & Energy, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 1-2 years
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This solves our problem of quickly reaching all our distributed employees on their desktops and on the move. We also provide a lot of information for our employees and various HR processes. Furthermore we use the employee directory. Employees now receive important information via push notification directly to their mobile device and can access information from anywhere.
The support is quickly accessible and extremely friendly and helpful. The functions within the app are very intuitive. I especially like the easy creation of pages using the widgets. I also like the fact that the app is very well presented on the mobile device.
The platform is not cheap, but worth its price. I would like a widget for embedding iFrames.
Aileen O.
Nonprofit Organization Management, 51-200 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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It's simplicity. Staff feel confident to jump in and post their news. It suits us because a large proportion of our staff are remote.
You need to pay more if you want true integration with O365.
Katharina S.
Airlines/Aviation, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used weekly for 2+ years
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easy, user friendly, easy to use for Administrator, new Features on regular basis
there is really nothing bad About his product
olga F.
Construction, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 1-2 years
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committed, competent, based on partnership
simple and logical handling, quick solutions
lack of functionality in chat, easier handling of events
Hello Ogla, Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a review. We're happy to work together with you and i+R Gruppe! We released some major updates to our Chat this spring and are continuing to work towards offering the best possible experience for our customers. You can read more about that here: Feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you'd like to discuss further. We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing our partnership with you. Best, McKenzie & the Staffbase Team
Arne K.
Management Consulting, 501-1,000 employees
Used other for 6-12 months
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Crosspublishing offers great capabilities to safe time
No major disadvantages so far. Looking forward to furhter features
Jerry F.
Online Media, 201-500 employees
Used other for 2+ years
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Very innovative - highly user friendly Amazing team expertise
Nothing to highlight, no difficulties, great choice!
Simone R.
Leisure, Travel & Tourism, 11-50 employees
Used weekly for 1-2 years
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Dirico is easy to learn and use. With a bit of training it is simple to create social media posts. For us it is really helpful, that you create a post once and you can copy it for another social media account. We use it for Facebook and Instagram. It saves time in our work progress.
In the beginning it was difficult to get all accounts connected. Time after time you need to regenerate the access to these accounts, which didn't always work as planned. But now where all the settings are correct, it does a great job in helping us to make a fast and simple social media appearance.
Jelle S.
Internet, 5,001-10,000 employees
Used daily for 6-12 months
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We were looking for another way to communicate than e-mail. By means of the push function in the app, we can make a choice between what is important and what is not. As an administrator, the app is very easy to use, the tech support in case of problems is also quickly resolved and handled.
Pages environment, you can not sort and or adjust. A menu structure for this environment would be very useful.
Hi Jelle, Thanks for taking the time to leave us a review! If you're looking for a heightened editing experience, Dynamic Pages offers further flexibility and advanced design and layout options. That said, we're always looking for ways to make it even simpler for you to create, organize, and publish your company's info platform-wide. Let us know what you want to see in detail on our ideas platform and thanks again for your great feedback! All the best, McKenzie
Maja Z.
Business Supplies and Equipment, 51-200 employees
Used daily for 1-2 years
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We were looking for a new way for our intranet, a channel into the company. The communication within our organisation had to become fast, clear and comfortable. Many different sources of information needed to be combined in one medium. With this app we have managed this very well in a short time. The contributions and articles are read within a few hours by at least half of all colleagues, which means very good accessibility. The app's functions allow you to distribute articles according to the company hierarchy.
easy handling self-explanatory many different useful plugins rapid implementation
Chat plugin should become more functional market-leading apps should serve as a benchmark here
Dan L.
Hospitality, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 6-12 months
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It has enhanced our ability to communicate directly with our employees - something we have struggled with over the years as most of our employees work in different units and at non-desk positions.
It is easy for both our end users to use and for our backend admins. We didn't want to overwhelm our employees with a clunky system. Staffbase has provided a clean space with the flexibility to make it what we want. Their support along the way has been especially helpful too.
We have a small list of "wishes" for the app - meaning we wish it could do this or that. Just little tweaks to make it more adaptable to our business and purpose. However, Staffbase has been continually adaptable to new ideas and suggestions and we have seen our requests come to fruition through new updates . They listen - which helps.
Lukas G.
Utilities, 51-200 employees
Used weekly for less than 6 months
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Haben es zwar erst seit kurzem im Einsatz, gefällt uns aber jetzt schon richtig gut. Als Nachritenplattform optimal. Am besten gefällt mir die öffentliche App.
An Staffbase gibt es gar nichts aus zu setzten. Es gibt nichts, was mir an Staffbase nicht gefällt.
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Frank F.
Government Administration, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Bessere Information der operativen Mitarbeiter.
Ein super Intrument für die Interne Kommunikation - einfache Erstellung von Beiträgen
Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter wünschen sich eine bessere Chatfunktion
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Stefanie H.
Insurance, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 1-2 years
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Sehr sehr gut, professionell, engagiert und immer dem Zeitgeist angepasst.
Einfache Bedienung für Administration und Nutzer. Viele verschiedene Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Stetige Weiterentwicklung. Produkt am Puls der Zeit.
Die unterschiedlichen Pakete und zusätzlichen Kosten. Begrenzte Individualität für die Bedarfe eines einzelnen mittelständischen Unternehmens.
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katharina d.
Insurance, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for 1-2 years
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Bedienbarkeit sowohl als Administrator*in als auch als Nutzer*in sehr einfach und intuitiv. Guter & schneller Support. Gute Unterstützung beim Rollout. Stetige Weiterentwicklung. Gute Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten durch Angebot von Konferenzen/Workshops etc.
Die Kunden von Staffbase sind individuell in Branche und Unternehmensgröße. Daher wäre es manchmal wünschenswert, wenn einige Funktionen optional angeboten würden und der Kunde selber entscheiden kann, ob es für ihn sinnvoll ist oder nicht. Dies erhöht die Flexibilität.
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Maximilian J.
Banking, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for less than 6 months
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- Sehr kompetente Projektbegleitung - Gut strukturierter Projektierungsprozess - Schnelle Reaktion bei Fragen
- Die vielen Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten - Die Möglichkeit die Software sowohl als App, als auch als Webversion zu nutzen - Das einfach zu steuernde Backend - Die User Experience
- Die Software umfasst alles, was wir benötigen
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Joachim H.
Chemicals, 501-1,000 employees
Used daily for less than 6 months
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Die Apps von Staffbase sind ein tolles Tool zur internen Kommunikation und vor allem einfach anwendbar.
Einfache und intuitive Bedienung des Content Management Systems (Experience Studio) - dadurch gab es nur kurze Einschulungsphasen und eine hohe Bereitschaft, Inhalte zur Verfügung zu stellen. Einfache und intuitive Bedienung der App selbst - dadurch gab es rasch eine hohe Nutzungsquote.
Gewisse (sehr spezielle) Anwendungsfälle konnten mit bestehenden Features nicht abgebildet werden - das war jedoch nicht weiter schlimm.
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Shipbuilding, 1,001-5,000 employees
Used daily for 6-12 months
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Es gibt ein sehr gutes Projektmanagement und klare Struktur (Vertrieb, Onboarding, Support). Einmal verstanden, kommt der Anwender damit gut zurecht.
Leichte Verständlichkeit für Anwender und Administratoren auch ohne IT Vorkenntnisse. Usability für die Mitarbeiter ist sehr gut.
Es gibt kleine Bugs, die aber über den Support sehr schnell bearbeitet werden. Somit ist noch Optimierungsbedarf da, der aber gerne aufgenommen wird.
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Marco I.
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing, 201-500 employees
Used daily for 2+ years
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Staffbase hat es uns ermöglicht unsere interne Kommunikation auf ein neues Level zu heben und damit unter anderem unser Employer Branding zu stärken.
Alle Mitarbeitenden mit und ohne Computerarbeitsplatz, weltweit erreichen und dadurch interaktive Kommunikation fördern und abteilungs-, standort- und länderübergreifend Zusammenarbeit fördern. Staffbase bietet ein durchdachtes Feature Set und gute Plug-Ins. Diese erlauben es mühelos Inhalte kreativ und ansprechend zu gestalten. Die weltweite Einführung inkl. der mobile APP war in wenigen Wochen möglich und Staffbase Stand zu jedem Zeitpunkt mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
Es fehlt leider ein internes Dokumentenmanagement-System, welche viele wichtige Funktion ermöglichen würde. Der Chat bietet nur die wichtigsten Basisfunktionen.
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